Pre-Owned Furniture
Probelle understands that sometimes budgets won’t allow for new furniture. Over the years we have developed excellent resources for pre-owned products such as workstations, seating, and executive furniture.
We are extremely selective about the pre-owned furniture that we will accept. It has to meet Probelle’s exacting standards. In other words it has to pretty much look “like new”.
These furniture products cost a fraction of their original cost when they were new from the factory. Most people can’t even tell the difference. But your bottom line will!
Pre-owned workstations and seating from well-respected manufacturers such as Steelcase, Herman Miller and Teknion are available to Probelle all the time. But that inventory literally comes and goes fast. The photos that you see here are just a few examples of what we have procured for our clients in the past. That inventory changes daily.
Please let us know what you are looking for and let us source the perfect pre-owned products for your space!

Steelcase “Answer”

Hayworth “Premise”

Hayworth “Unigroup”

Teknion “Leverage”

Herman Miller “Canvas”

Teknion “Leverage”